• barry harris dive in the pool    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 超翊有限公司

      Chao Yee & Co.,Ltd was founded in the summer of 1985. Since then we have been concentrating ourselves only in the business of distributing Swiss made watches. We are slim and healthy in every aspect .Currently ,ChaoYee sell ORIS watches in Taiwan. We has been an important distributer of Oris not on...

      電話:02-27211985    地址:台北市松山區復興北路1號15樓
    2. 金鴻股份有限公司

      AROPEC SPORTS CORP. a former supplier to most of famous sport brands is now taking on the world. This means that we will be directly serving the watersport industry with our professional lines of diving, surfing, fishing, swimming and other water sports equipment.Regardless of what products you sell...

      電話:04-25693850    地址:台中市神岡區民生路122號
    3. 偉碩租賃有限公司

      ...ng from furnished apartments in convenient locations to single houses with pools and gardens surrounded by woods. Our clients range from CEOs of multinational companies to engineers of high-tech industries. 本公司以將心比心之心情來承辦各委託客戶之需求,務求幫客戶找到在...

      電話:02-85097711    地址:台北市中山區樂群二路198號3樓
    4. 璽合康股份有限公司

      Salcomp Plc develops and manufactures chargers for mobile phone and other electronic devices. Salcomp is the market leader in mobile phone chargers, and the main customers include the major mobile phone manufacturers. Power adapters based on Salcomps own product platforms are suitable also for cordl...

      電話:02-26562358    地址:台北市內湖區內湖路一段316號12F
    5. in the playground

      in the playground 複合式專賣店,是一間針對懷有赤子之心的"kidult"族群所規劃的配件專賣店. 專門販售世界知名品牌鞋子

      電話:07-2213975    地址:高雄市新興區文橫二路125-1號

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